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Who We Are & What We Do

NBCOT provides initial and renewal board certification for occupational therapy in the United States.

Our Mission

NBCOT protects the public through the validation of essential competencies for effective and safe occupational therapy practice.

Our Vision

We envision everyone will benefit from high-quality services provided by certified occupational therapy professionals.

Our Values

We recognize and value diversity.

We are committed to learning and growing.

We are dedicated to evidence-based practices.

We foster innovation.

We build trust by acting with integrity.

JEDI is an integral part of our mission and vision

We hold true to our principles and are committed to growing in our knowledge at every level of our organization. We may not always get it right, but we will strive to hold true. 


Governed by a Board of OTRs, COTAs, and Public Members

Our board is responsible for establishing the strategic vision and providing management oversight for the organization.